Creating recipes

To retrieve a list of random ingredients, you can use the lumache.get_random_ingredients() function:


Return a list of random ingredients as strings.


kind (list[str] or None) – Optional “kind” of ingredients.


lumache.InvalidKindError – If the kind is invalid.


The ingredients list.

Return type


The kind parameter should be either "meat", "fish", or "veggies". Otherwise, lumache.get_random_ingredients()

#:py:func:fpdf_table.main.PDFTable.barcode will raise an exception. # .. py:exception:: lumache.InvalidKindError

Raised if the kind is invalid.

Welcome to Lumache’s documentation!

Lumache (/lu’make/) is a Python library for cooks and food lovers that creates recipes mixing random ingredients. It pulls data from the Open Food Facts database and offers a simple and intuitive API.

Check out the Usage section for further information, including how to install the project.


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