class fpdf_table.PDFTable[source]
add_fonts_custom(font_name: str, font_extension: str, font_dir: str = '/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/fpdf-table/checkouts/latest/docs/fonts', set_default: bool = True)[source]

add custom fonts, you need the 4 most common styles of the font, and the name needs to be standard.

The normal font hast to be only the name, for the bold append: -Bold, for italic: -Oblique, bolditalic: -BoldOblique. i.e. Arial.ttf,Arial-Bold.ttf,Arial-Oblique.ttf, Arial-BoldOblique.ttf

  • font_name – name of the font without extension

  • font_extension – extension of the font, ttf ot otf

  • font_dir – directory to find the font, defaults to current_working_directory/fonts, find the cwd with os.getcwd().

  • set_default – set custom font as default


calculate_align_list(align: fpdf.enums.Align | list[fpdf.enums.Align], columns_count: int, default_value: Align = Align.J) list[fpdf.enums.Align][source]

make list of alignments.

  • align – list of alignment or one alignment value

  • columns_count – columns count

  • default_value – if is an empty list use align passed here


calculate_center_code39_x(text: str) float[source]

calcula la posicion donde se debe dibujar el codigo de barras para que este centrado.


text – texto del codigo de barras.


posicion de x

static calculate_center_generic(start: float, container_length: float, element_length: float) float[source]

calcular posicion para centrar un objeto.

  • start – posicion de inicio inicial.

  • container_length – longitud del container del objeto.

  • element_length – longitud del elemento.


posicion de inicio para que el elemento quede centrado

calculate_center_x(start: Optional[float] = None, container_length: Optional[float] = None, element_length: Optional[float] = None) float[source]

calcular posicion para centrar un objeto en horizontal.

  • start – posicion de inicio inicial.

  • container_length – longitud del container del objeto.

  • element_length – longitud del elemento.


posicion de inicio para que el elemento quede centrado

calculate_text_fragments(w=0, txt='', row_quantity=1, justify=True, markdown=False) tuple[list[fpdf.line_break.TextLine], bool][source]

dado un texto y su longitud, dividir el texto en arrays cada que debe haber un salto de linea. devuelve también si el texto se dividió

  • w – longitud del container.

  • txt – texto.

  • row_quantity – cantidad de filas.

  • justify – justificar texto.

  • markdown


calculate_text_rows(w: float = 0, txt='', justify=True, markdown=False)[source]

calculate how many rows will take the given text in the given width.

  • w – longitud del container.

  • txt – texto

  • justify – justify

  • markdown – markdown


calculate_width_2() float[source]

get width for 2 columns of same width.


width of one column

calculate_width_3() float[source]

get width for 2 columns of same width.


width of one column

static calculate_width_code39(quantity: int) float[source]

calcula la longitud del codigo de barras en mm.


quantity – cantidad de caracteres.



calculate_width_list(width_list: list[float], columns_count: int) list[float][source]

if width_list is not empty check the total width ,if width_list is empty make list of equals width´s.

  • width_list – list of width for every column

  • columns_count – columns count



NumberColumnsTextDoesntMatchError – columns count doesn’t match text count

calculate_width_n(n: int) float[source]

get width for n columns of same width.


width of one column

cell(w=0, h: Optional[float] = None, txt='', border=1, ln='DEPRECATED', align=Align.L, fill=False, link='', center='DEPRECATED', markdown=False, new_x=XPos.RIGHT, new_y=YPos.TOP, line_break=False)[source]

Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. The upper-left corner of the cell corresponds to the current position. The text can be aligned or centered. After the call, the current position moves to the selected new_x/new_y position. It is possible to put a link on the text.

If automatic page breaking is enabled and the cell goes beyond the limit, a page break is performed before outputting.

w (float): Cell width. Default value: None, meaning to fit text width.

If 0, the cell extends up to the right margin.

h (float): Cell height. Default value: None, meaning an height equal

to the current font size.

txt (str): String to print. Default value: empty string. border: Indicates if borders must be drawn around the cell.

The value can be either a number (0: no border ; 1: frame) or a string containing some or all of the following characters (in any order): L: left ; T: top ; R: right ; B: bottom. Default value: 0.

new_x (fpdf.enums.XPos, str): New current position in x after the call. Default: RIGHT new_y (fpdf.enums.YPos, str): New current position in y after the call. Default: TOP ln (int): DEPRECATED since 2.5.1: Use new_x and new_y instead. align (fpdf.enums.Align, str): Allows to center or align the text inside the cell.

Possible values are: L or empty string: left align (default value) ; C: center; X: center around current x; R: right align

fill (bool): Indicates if the cell background must be painted (True)

or transparent (False). Default value: False.

link (str): optional link to add on the cell, internal

(identifier returned by add_link) or external URL.

center (bool): DEPRECATED since 2.5.1:

Use align=”C” or align=”X” instead.

markdown (bool): enable minimal markdown-like markup to render part

of text as bold / italics / underlined. Default to False.

Returns: a boolean indicating if page break was triggered

cell_fixed(container_width: float, container_height: float, txt: str = '', align=Align.L, line_break: bool = False, inline: bool = False)[source]

draw a fixed size table border.

  • container_width – container_width

  • container_height – container_height

  • txt – text

  • align – text align

  • line_break – perform a new line

  • inline – next Y with be in the same line


check_width_available(total_width: float)[source]

check if some calculated width fits in the available page width.


total_width – calculated width.



WidthOverflowError – calculated width doesn’t fit in available page space

draw_image_center(img: any, x: Optional[float] = None, y: Optional[float] = None, img_width: float = 0, img_height: float = 0, container_width: Optional[float] = None, container_height: Optional[float] = None)[source]

draw an image and center its position in a given container.

  • img – either a string representing a file path to an image, a URL to an image, an io.BytesIO, or an instance of PIL.Image.Image.

  • x – optional horizontal position where to put the image on the page. If not specified or equal to None, the current abscissa is used.

  • y – optional vertical position where to put the image on the page. If not specified or equal to None, the current ordinate is used. After the call, the current ordinate is moved to the bottom of the image

  • img_width – optional width of the image. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated from the image size. Pass pdf.epw to scale horizontally to the full page width.

  • img_height – optional height of the image. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated from the image size. Pass pdf.eph to scale horizontally to the full page height.

  • container_width – with of the rectangle that contains the image. If not specified or equal to None, the current image width is used.

  • container_height – height of the rectangle that contains the image If not specified or equal to None, the current image height is used.


draw_row_fixed(text_list: list[str], width_list: list[float], align: fpdf.enums.Align | list[fpdf.enums.Align], fixed_height: Optional[float] = None, line_break: bool = False)[source]

draw n columns in the same row, columns height is fixed.

  • text_list – list of the texts to write

  • width_list – list of width for every column

  • fixed_height – height of every column

  • line_break – perform a line break

  • align – alignment


draw_row_line(text_list: list[str], width_list: list[float], align: fpdf.enums.Align | list[fpdf.enums.Align], line_break: bool = False)[source]

draw n columns in the same row, columns height are 1 column.

  • text_list – list of the texts to write

  • width_list – list of width for every column

  • line_break – perform a line break

  • align – alignment


draw_row_responsive(text_list: list[str], width_list: list[float], align: fpdf.enums.Align | list[fpdf.enums.Align], line_break: bool = False)[source]

draw n columns in the same row, every column has height equals to the column with maximum height.

  • text_list – list of the texts to write

  • width_list – list of width for every column

  • line_break – perform a line break

  • align – alignment


fit_text_fixed_height(txt: str, row_height: float, container_width: float, container_height: float, linesep: str = '\n', ellipsis: bool = False) tuple[str, str][source]

divide the text in two string, the first string contains the piece of text that fits in the container, the second string contains the remaining text that doesn’t it.

  • container_width – width of the container

  • txt – text

  • row_height – height of every row

  • container_height – total height of the container

  • linesep – os new line representation

  • ellipsis – truncate text and add ellipsis


list with two strings


effective page width: the page width minus its horizontal margins. :return:

multi_cell(w=0, h: Optional[float] = None, txt='', border=1, align=Align.J, fill=False, split_only=False, link='', ln='DEPRECATED', max_line_height=None, markdown=False, print_sh=False, new_x=XPos.RIGHT, new_y=YPos.TOP, line_break=False)[source]

This method allows printing text with line breaks. They can be automatic (breaking at the most recent space or soft-hyphen character) as soon as the text reaches the right border of the cell, or explicit (via the n character). As many cells as necessary are stacked, one below the other. Text can be aligned, centered or justified. The cell block can be framed and the background painted.


w (float): cell width. If 0, they extend up to the right margin of the page. h (float): cell height. Default value: None, meaning to use the current font size. txt (str): string to print. border: Indicates if borders must be drawn around the cell.

The value can be either a number (0: no border ; 1: frame) or a string containing some or all of the following characters (in any order): L: left ; T: top ; R: right ; B: bottom. Default value: 0.

align (fpdf.enums.Align, str): Allows to center or align the text.

Possible values are: J: justify (default value); L or empty string: left align; C: center; X: center around current x; R: right align

fill (bool): Indicates if the cell background must be painted (True)

or transparent (False). Default value: False.

split_only (bool): if True, does not output anything, only perform

word-wrapping and return the resulting multi-lines array of strings.

link (str): optional link to add on the cell, internal

(identifier returned by add_link) or external URL.

new_x (fpdf.enums.XPos, str): New current position in x after the call. Default: RIGHT new_y (fpdf.enums.XPos, str): New current position in y after the call. Default: NEXT ln (int): DEPRECATED since 2.5.1: Use new_x and new_y instead. max_line_height (float): optional maximum height of each sub-cell generated markdown (bool): enable minimal markdown-like markup to render part

of text as bold / italics / underlined. Default to False.

print_sh (bool): Treat a soft-hyphen (u00ad) as a normal printable

character, instead of a line breaking opportunity. Default value: False

Using new_x=XPos.RIGHT, new_y=XPos.TOP, maximum height=pdf.font_size is useful to build tables with multiline text in cells.

Returns: a boolean indicating if page break was triggered,

or if split_only == True: txt splitted into lines in an array

multi_cell_fixed(w: float, txt: str, row_height: float, container_height: float, align: str | fpdf.enums.Align = Align.J, line_break: bool = False, ellipsis: bool = False, inline: bool = False)[source]

draw a fixed size cell, if the text is larger than the cell ( container ), it will draw the text until it fits and will return the text that doesn’t fit for later use.

  • w – container width

  • txt – text

  • row_height – height of every row

  • container_height – total height of the container

  • align – alignment

  • line_break – add a trailing new line

  • ellipsis – truncate text and add ellipsis

  • inline – next Y with be in the same line



return to default values.


table_cols(*args: float) list[float][source]

calculate widths like bootstrap grid system :param args: bootstrap column widths :return: list of calculated bootstrap columns widths

table_header(text_list: list[str], width_list: list[float] = [], align: list[fpdf.enums.Align] | fpdf.enums.Align = Align.L, fill: bool = True, border: int = 1)[source]

draw a table header for a table.

  • text_list – list of the texts to write

  • width_list – list of width´s for every column

  • align – alignment


table_row(text_list: list[str], width_list: list[float] = [], align: list[fpdf.enums.Align] | fpdf.enums.Align = Align.L, option: str = 'line', fixed_height: Optional[float] = None)[source]

draw a row for a table.

  • text_list – list of the texts to write

  • width_list – list of width´s for every column

  • option – define what type of row to draw

  • fixed_height – height if option is fixed

  • align – alignment


  • MissingValueError – a value was expected and wasn’t found

  • HeightError – height cannot be smaller than default cell height

  • MismatchValueError – undefined option

static use_mm_to_px(mm: float) int[source]

convertir mm to px.


mm – unidad en milimetros.


unidad en pixeles.

static use_object_or_dash(obj)[source]

si un objeto no tiene contenido devuelve un dash -.


obj – objeto


objeto o string

static use_object_or_empty(obj)[source]

si un objeto no tiene contenido devuelve un string vacio.


obj – objeto


objeto o string

static use_object_or_text(obj, text: str)[source]

si un objeto no tiene contenido devuelve un texto.

  • obj – objeto

  • text – texto


objeto o string

static use_px_to_mm(px: int) float[source]

convertir px to mm.


px – unidad en pixeles.


unidad en milimetros.

static use_px_to_pt(px: int) float[source]

convertir px to pt.


px – unidad en pixeles.


unidad en points.