Source code for fpdf_table.main

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import math
import os

from fpdf import FPDF
from fpdf.enums import Align, XPos, YPos
from fpdf.line_break import MultiLineBreak, TextLine
from PIL import Image
import base64
import io

[docs]class PDFTable(FPDF): # text and header text sizes text_normal_size = 7.5 # 7.5 pt ~ 10px text_title_size = 9 # 9 pt ~ 12px # default height for every row row_height_cell = 5 # height of every row in multi cell row_height_multi_cell: float = 5 # mm # font font: str = 'Helvetica' def __init__(self): """ before doing anything, fpdf needs to create a page, define a font and set colors :return: """ super().__init__() self.add_page() self.set_font(self.font, '', self.text_normal_size) # black text self.set_text_color(10, 10, 10) # grey borders self.set_draw_color(220, 220, 220) # gray container self.set_fill_color(220, 220, 220) # override multi_cell para cambiar los valores por defectos
[docs] def multi_cell(self, w=0, h: float | None = None, txt="", border=1, align=Align.J, fill=False, split_only=False, link="", ln="DEPRECATED", max_line_height=None, markdown=False, print_sh=False, new_x=XPos.RIGHT, new_y=YPos.TOP, line_break=False): # si se llama con valor, el valor default es el atributo de clase default_cell_height h = self.row_height_cell if h is None else h if line_break: new_x = XPos.LMARGIN new_y = YPos.NEXT # llamar a metodo del padre con nuevos argumentos super().multi_cell(w, h, txt, border, align, fill, split_only, link, ln, max_line_height, markdown, print_sh, new_x, new_y)
# if line_break: # self.ln() # override cell para cambiar los valores por defectos
[docs] def cell(self, w=0, h: float | None = None, txt="", border=1, ln="DEPRECATED", align=Align.L, fill=False, link="", center="DEPRECATED", markdown=False, new_x=XPos.RIGHT, new_y=YPos.TOP, line_break=False): # si se llama con valor, el valor default es el atributo de clase default_cell_height h = self.row_height_cell if h is None else h # llamar a metodo del padre con nuevos argumentos super().cell(w, h, txt, border, ln, align, fill, link, center, markdown, new_x, new_y) if line_break: self.ln()
[docs] def get_width_effective(self): """ effective page width: the page width minus its horizontal margins. :return: """ return self.epw
[docs] def check_width_available(self, total_width: float): """ check if some calculated width fits in the available page width. :param total_width: calculated width. :return: :raise WidthOverflowError: calculated width doesn't fit in available page space """ # available_width = total page width - right margin - actual x position available_width = self.w - self.r_margin - self.get_x() # if total width is larger than page width if total_width > available_width: raise WidthOverflowError return
[docs] def set_defaults(self): """ return to default values. :return: """ # devolver fuente a su forma normal self.set_font(self.font, '', self.text_normal_size) self.set_text_color(10, 10, 10) self.set_draw_color(220, 220, 220) self.set_fill_color(220, 220, 220)
[docs] def add_fonts_custom(self, font_name: str, font_extension: str, font_dir: str = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'fonts'), set_default: bool = True): """ add custom fonts, you need the 4 most common styles of the font, and the name needs to be standard. The normal font hast to be only the name, for the bold append: -Bold, for italic: -Oblique, bolditalic: -BoldOblique. i.e. Arial.ttf,Arial-Bold.ttf,Arial-Oblique.ttf, Arial-BoldOblique.ttf :param font_name: name of the font without extension :param font_extension: extension of the font, ttf ot otf :param font_dir: directory to find the font, defaults to current_working_directory/fonts, find the cwd with os.getcwd(). :param set_default: set custom font as default :return: """ # normal font_file = os.path.join(font_dir, f'{font_name}.{font_extension}') self.add_font(font_name, '', fname=font_file) # bold font_file = os.path.join(font_dir, f'{font_name}-Bold.{font_extension}') self.add_font(font_name, 'B', fname=font_file) # italic font_file = os.path.join(font_dir, f'{font_name}-Oblique.{font_extension}') self.add_font(font_name, 'I', fname=font_file) # bold italic font_file = os.path.join(font_dir, f'{font_name}-BoldOblique.{font_extension}') self.add_font(font_name, 'BI', fname=font_file) # setear como font por defecto if set_default: self.font = font_name
[docs] @staticmethod def use_mm_to_px(mm: float) -> int: """ convertir mm to px. :param mm: unidad en milimetros. :return: unidad en pixeles. """ return round(3.7795275591 * mm)
[docs] @staticmethod def use_px_to_mm(px: int) -> float: """ convertir px to mm. :param px: unidad en pixeles. :return: unidad en milimetros. """ return round(px * 0.2645833333, 3)
[docs] @staticmethod def use_px_to_pt(px: int) -> float: """ convertir px to pt. :param px: unidad en pixeles. :return: unidad en points. """ return round(px * 0.75, 3)
[docs] @staticmethod def use_object_or_dash(obj): """ si un objeto no tiene contenido devuelve un dash -. :param obj: objeto :return: objeto o string """ if obj: return obj else: return '-'
[docs] @staticmethod def use_object_or_empty(obj): """ si un objeto no tiene contenido devuelve un string vacio. :param obj: objeto :return: objeto o string """ if obj: return obj else: return ''
[docs] @staticmethod def use_object_or_text(obj, text: str): """ si un objeto no tiene contenido devuelve un texto. :param obj: objeto :param text: texto :return: objeto o string """ # if obj is string if isinstance(obj, str): # if string is only whitespaces if obj.isspace(): # set string as empty (None) obj = '' if obj: return obj else: return text
[docs] def calculate_width_2(self) -> float: """ get width for 2 columns of same width. :return: width of one column """ return self.epw / 2
[docs] def calculate_width_3(self) -> float: """ get width for 2 columns of same width. :return: width of one column """ return self.epw / 3
[docs] def calculate_width_n(self, n: int) -> float: """ get width for n columns of same width. :return: width of one column """ return self.epw / n
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_center_generic(start: float, container_length: float, element_length: float) -> float: """ calcular posicion para centrar un objeto. :param start: posicion de inicio inicial. :param container_length: longitud del container del objeto. :param element_length: longitud del elemento. :return: posicion de inicio para que el elemento quede centrado """ # if container_length equals element_length it's already in the center, and prevents division by zero offset = 0 if container_length == element_length else (container_length - element_length) / 2 return start + offset
[docs] def calculate_center_x(self, start: float | None = None, container_length: float | None = None, element_length: float | None = None) -> float: """ calcular posicion para centrar un objeto en horizontal. :param start: posicion de inicio inicial. :param container_length: longitud del container del objeto. :param element_length: longitud del elemento. :return: posicion de inicio para que el elemento quede centrado """ start = self.get_x() if start is None else start container_length = self.epw - start if container_length is None else container_length element_length = container_length if element_length is None else element_length # if element_length > container_length the object can't fit into the container if element_length > container_length: raise WidthOverflowError # if container_length equals element_length it's already in the center, and prevents division by zero offset = 0 if container_length == element_length else (container_length - element_length) / 2 return start + offset
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_width_code39(quantity: int) -> float: """ calcula la longitud del codigo de barras en mm. :param quantity: cantidad de caracteres. :return: mm """ bar_width = 0.5 # mm # total width narrow bar + wide bar character_width = (6 * 0.5 + 3 * 1.5) # 7.5 mm # total character + inter-character gap return character_width * quantity + (quantity - 1) * bar_width
[docs] def calculate_center_code39_x(self, text: str) -> float: """calcula la posicion donde se debe dibujar el codigo de barras para que este centrado. :param text: texto del codigo de barras. :return: posicion de x """ return (self.l_margin + (self.epw / 2)) - (self.calculate_width_code39(len(text)) / 2)
[docs] def calculate_text_fragments(self, w=0, txt="", row_quantity=1, justify=True, markdown=False) \ -> tuple[list[TextLine], bool]: """ dado un texto y su longitud, dividir el texto en arrays cada que debe haber un salto de linea. devuelve también si el texto se dividió :param w: longitud del container. :param txt: texto. :param row_quantity: cantidad de filas. :param justify: justificar texto. :param markdown: :return: """ # If width is 0, set width to available width between margins # Si la longitud 0 , setear width al disponible restando margenes if w == 0: w = self.w - self.r_margin - self.x # longitud maxima disponible, self.c_margin es el margen en x maximum_allowed_emwidth = (w - 2 * self.c_margin) * 1000 / self.font_size # Calculate text length txt = self.normalize_text(txt) normalized_string = txt.replace("\r", "") styled_text_fragments = self._preload_font_styles(normalized_string, markdown) # text in lines text_lines = [] multi_line_break = MultiLineBreak( styled_text_fragments, self.get_normalized_string_width_with_style, justify=justify, ) text_line = multi_line_break.get_line_of_given_width(maximum_allowed_emwidth) # cortar el while al llegar a la cantidad de columnas requeridas, por lo tanto si column size es 5 # se retornan 5 fragmentos row_count = 0 while text_line is not None and row_count < row_quantity: text_lines.append(text_line) text_line = multi_line_break.get_line_of_given_width( maximum_allowed_emwidth ) row_count += 1 # if text is larger than container and has to divide, if text_line has more content # it means that the text is larger text_is_larger = True if text_line is not None else False return text_lines, text_is_larger
[docs] def calculate_text_rows(self, w: float = 0, txt="", justify=True, markdown=False): """ calculate how many rows will take the given text in the given width. :param w: longitud del container. :param txt: texto :param justify: justify :param markdown: markdown :return: """ # If width is 0, set width to available width between margins # Si la longitud 0 , setear width al disponible restando margenes if w == 0: w = self.w - self.r_margin - self.x # longitud maxima disponible, self.c_margin es el margen en x maximum_allowed_emwidth = (w - 2 * self.c_margin) * 1000 / self.font_size # Calculate text length txt = self.normalize_text(txt) normalized_string = txt.replace("\r", "") styled_text_fragments = self._preload_font_styles(normalized_string, markdown) # text in lines text_lines = [] multi_line_break = MultiLineBreak( styled_text_fragments, self.get_normalized_string_width_with_style, justify=justify, ) text_line = multi_line_break.get_line_of_given_width(maximum_allowed_emwidth) # calcular cantidad de filas row_count = 0 while text_line is not None: text_lines.append(text_line) text_line = multi_line_break.get_line_of_given_width( maximum_allowed_emwidth ) row_count += 1 return row_count
[docs] def fit_text_fixed_height(self, txt: str, row_height: float, container_width: float, container_height: float, linesep: str = '\n', ellipsis: bool = False) -> tuple[str, str]: """ divide the text in two string, the first string contains the piece of text that fits in the container, the second string contains the remaining text that doesn't it. :param container_width: width of the container :param txt: text :param row_height: height of every row :param container_height: total height of the container :param linesep: os new line representation :return: list with two strings :param ellipsis: truncate text and add ellipsis """ # cantidad de filas disponibles, redondeo hacia abajo de la division y del width row_count: int = math.floor(container_height / row_height) container_width: int = math.floor(container_width) # if text is empty, return two empty strings if not txt: return '', '' # en fragments se encuentra la porcion de texto que entra en el container, pero el texto esta deconstruido # fragments es una lista de array de caracteres [['a','b'],['c']] # cada array de caracteres representa una fila y la cantidad de arrays son la cantidad de filas # ver objeto TextLine y Fragment fragments, text_is_larger = self.calculate_text_fragments(container_width, txt, row_count) # si la cantidad de fragmentos (filas) es menor o igual a la cantidad de filas disponibles, # entonces no se necesita calcular nada, ya que el texto entero entra en el container if not text_is_larger: return txt, '' # reconstruir los fragmentos en el texto que entra en el container join_text = '' for text in fragments: # if the fragment object is empty means the row is a new line, doesn't have text if text.fragments: # por cada fila juntar los caracteres para tener una lista de strings [['ab'],['c'] join_text += ''.join(text.fragments[0].characters) # para juntar dos filas se pone un espacio o salto de linea if text.trailing_nl: # join_text += os.linesep join_text += linesep else: join_text += ' ' # quitar el ultimo espacio agregado, el resultado es ['ab c'] # remove trailing new line join_text = join_text.rstrip() # dividir el texto por un separador que es join_text, sea txt = ['ab c de'] y join_text = ['ab c'] # el resultado de split es ['', 'de'], esto porque el split remueve la clave separadora y separa el texto # antes de la clave y despues de la clave, en este caso como antes de la clave no hay nada entonces en # la primera parte no hay nada y en la segunda parte se encuentra el resto del texto split_text = txt.split(join_text, maxsplit=1) try: # agregar la clave separadora a la primera parte de la lista, split_text[0] = join_text # remove whitespace, new line or tab present at start of the string split_text[1] = split_text[1].lstrip() # calculate ellipsis if ellipsis and text_is_larger: # split the whole first string by whitespaces, then remove last part ( last word), # finally join again the parts with whitespaces and concatenate ellipsis split = split_text[0].split(' ') last_word = split[-1] # if last word have less than 3 characters if len(last_word) >= 3: split_text[0] = ' '.join(split[:-1]) + ' ' + '...' else: # add backlash instead of dots backslash_quantity = '\\' * len(last_word) split_text[0] = ' '.join(split[:-1]) + ' ' + backslash_quantity # add removed word to the second string split_text[1] = last_word + ' ' + split_text[1] # resultado ['ab c',' de'] return split_text[0], split_text[1] except IndexError: # if error is find here means that probably split_text doesn't have 2 elements. # i.e. split_text[1] doesn't exist # probably is caused by os specific new line, i.e. windows = \r\n, unix = \n # throw custom error raise SplitTextError
[docs] def cell_fixed(self, container_width: float, container_height: float, txt: str = '', align=Align.L, line_break: bool = False, inline: bool = False): """ draw a fixed size table border. :param container_width: container_width :param container_height: container_height :param txt: text :param align: text align :param line_break: perform a new line :param inline: next Y with be in the same line :return: """ # self.ln() defaults to last cell height, so a new self.ln() here, will draw a new line # with height equals to container height, to fix it, instead of draw a new line with self.ln() # use a cell with height equal to default cell height, and the next Ypos will be under de # border of the cell that draws the border if inline: # draw border, if inline next position is right top self.cell(w=container_width, h=container_height, txt=txt, new_x=XPos.LEFT, new_y=YPos.TOP, align=align) # self.ln() self.cell(w=container_width, h=self.row_height_cell, border=0, new_x=XPos.RIGHT, new_y=YPos.TOP) else: # if not inline next position is left margin under the border self.cell(w=container_width, h=container_height, txt=txt, new_x=XPos.LEFT, new_y=YPos.NEXT, align=align) # self.ln() self.cell(w=container_width, h=self.row_height_cell, border=0, new_x=XPos.LMARGIN, new_y=YPos.TOP) if line_break: self.ln()
[docs] def multi_cell_fixed(self, w: float, txt: str, row_height: float, container_height: float, align: str | Align = Align.J, line_break: bool = False, ellipsis: bool = False, inline: bool = False): """ draw a fixed size cell, if the text is larger than the cell ( container ), it will draw the text until it fits and will return the text that doesn't fit for later use. :param w: container width :param txt: text :param row_height: height of every row :param container_height: total height of the container :param align: alignment :param line_break: add a trailing new line :param ellipsis: truncate text and add ellipsis :param inline: next Y with be in the same line :return: """ # calculate text truncation ( division) try: text_that_fits, text_overflow = self.fit_text_fixed_height(txt, row_height, w, container_height, ellipsis=ellipsis) except SplitTextError: # if there's a custom error call again with different line separator text_that_fits, text_overflow = self.fit_text_fixed_height(txt, row_height, w, container_height, '\r\n', ellipsis) # draw text without border self.multi_cell(w=w, h=row_height, txt=text_that_fits, border=0, new_x=XPos.LEFT, new_y=YPos.TOP, align=align) # draw border and fix self.ln() self.cell_fixed(w, container_height, line_break=line_break, inline=inline) return text_overflow
[docs] def calculate_width_list(self, width_list: list[float], columns_count: int) -> list[float]: """ if width_list is not empty check the total width ,if width_list is empty make list of equals width´s. :param width_list: list of width for every column :param columns_count: columns count :return: :raise NumberColumnsTextDoesntMatchError: columns count doesn't match text count """ # if the list is not empty, check width´s if width_list: # if elements count in width_list and text_list doesn't match if len(width_list) != columns_count: raise NumberElementsListMismatchError # calculate total width total_width = functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, width_list) # check width self.check_width_available(total_width) else: # if the list is empty, make list of equals width´s. i.e. [10,10,10] width_list = [self.calculate_width_n(columns_count)] * columns_count return width_list
[docs] def calculate_align_list(self, align: Align | list[Align], columns_count: int, default_value: Align = Align.J) \ -> list[Align]: """ make list of alignments. :param align: list of alignment or one alignment value :param columns_count: columns count :param default_value: if is an empty list use align passed here :return: """ # if align is only one value if isinstance(align, Align): align_list = [align] * columns_count return align_list # if align is a list elif isinstance(align, list): # if is a list of align values if align: # if elements count doesn't match if len(align) != columns_count: raise NumberElementsListMismatchError align_list = align else: # if is an empty list align_list = [default_value] * columns_count return align_list
[docs] def draw_row_line(self, text_list: list[str], width_list: list[float], align: Align | list[Align], line_break: bool = False): """ draw n columns in the same row, columns height are 1 column. :param text_list: list of the texts to write :param width_list: list of width for every column :param line_break: perform a line break :param align: alignment :return: """ columns_count: int = len(text_list) # check width_list width_list = self.calculate_width_list(width_list, columns_count) align_list = self.calculate_align_list(align, columns_count, Align.L) # draw n-1 cells inline for i in range(columns_count - 1): # draw cell self.cell(w=width_list[i], txt=text_list[i], align=align_list[i]) # perform an extra line break if desired self.cell(w=width_list[-1], txt=text_list[-1], align=align_list[-1], line_break=line_break) self.ln()
[docs] def draw_row_fixed(self, text_list: list[str], width_list: list[float], align: Align | list[Align], fixed_height: float = None, line_break: bool = False): """ draw n columns in the same row, columns height is fixed. :param text_list: list of the texts to write :param width_list: list of width for every column :param fixed_height: height of every column :param line_break: perform a line break :param align: alignment :return: """ columns_count: int = len(text_list) # check width_list width_list = self.calculate_width_list(width_list, columns_count) align_list = self.calculate_align_list(align, columns_count) # draw n-1 fixed multi_cells inline for i in range(columns_count - 1): # container height for every cell is fixed self.multi_cell_fixed(w=width_list[i], txt=text_list[i], row_height=self.row_height_multi_cell, container_height=fixed_height, align=align_list[i], inline=True) # last cell doesn't have to be inline ir order to leave the cursor under the cells, line break is optional self.multi_cell_fixed(w=width_list[-1], txt=text_list[-1], row_height=self.row_height_multi_cell, container_height=fixed_height, align=align_list[-1], line_break=line_break)
[docs] def draw_row_responsive(self, text_list: list[str], width_list: list[float], align: Align | list[Align], line_break: bool = False): """ draw n columns in the same row, every column has height equals to the column with maximum height. :param text_list: list of the texts to write :param width_list: list of width for every column :param line_break: perform a line break :param align: alignment :return: """ columns_count: int = len(text_list) # check width_list width_list = self.calculate_width_list(width_list, columns_count) align_list = self.calculate_align_list(align, columns_count) # calculate maximum number of rows, so every cell will have the same amount of rows max_rows: int = 0 for i in range(columns_count): # calculate row count for cell i justify = True if align_list[i] == Align.J else False row_count = self.calculate_text_rows(w=width_list[i], txt=text_list[i], justify=justify) # save max if row_count > max_rows: max_rows = row_count # draw n-1 cells inline for i in range(columns_count - 1): # container height for every cell will be the maximum height, that is, # maximum number of rows * height of every row self.multi_cell_fixed(w=width_list[i], txt=text_list[i], row_height=self.row_height_multi_cell, container_height=max_rows * self.row_height_multi_cell, align=align_list[i], inline=True) # last cell doesn't have to be inline ir order to leave the cursor under the cells, line break is optional self.multi_cell_fixed(w=width_list[-1], txt=text_list[-1], row_height=self.row_height_multi_cell, container_height=max_rows * self.row_height_multi_cell, align=align_list[-1], line_break=line_break)
[docs] def draw_image_center(self, img: any, x: float = None, y: float = None, img_width: float = 0, img_height: float = 0, container_width: float = None, container_height: float = None): """ draw an image and center its position in a given container. :param img: either a string representing a file path to an image, a URL to an image, an io.BytesIO, or an instance of `PIL.Image.Image`. :param x: optional horizontal position where to put the image on the page. If not specified or equal to None, the current abscissa is used. :param y: optional vertical position where to put the image on the page. If not specified or equal to None, the current ordinate is used. After the call, the current ordinate is moved to the bottom of the image :param img_width: optional width of the image. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated from the image size. Pass `pdf.epw` to scale horizontally to the full page width. :param img_height: optional height of the image. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated from the image size. Pass `pdf.eph` to scale horizontally to the full page height. :param container_width: with of the rectangle that contains the image. If not specified or equal to None, the current image width is used. :param container_height: height of the rectangle that contains the image If not specified or equal to None, the current image height is used. :return: """ if x is None: x = self.get_x() if y is None: y = self.get_y() if container_width is None: container_width = img_width if container_height is None: container_height = img_height if img: self.image(img, x=self.calculate_center_generic(x, container_length=container_width, element_length=img_width), y=self.calculate_center_generic(y, container_length=container_height, element_length=img_height), w=img_width, h=img_height)
[docs] def table_header(self, text_list: list[str], width_list: list[float] = [], align: list[Align] | Align = Align.L, fill: bool = True, border: int = 1): """ draw a table header for a table. :param text_list: list of the texts to write :param width_list: list of width´s for every column :param align: alignment :return: """ columns_count: int = len(text_list) # if width_list is string, convert to empty list width_list = self.calculate_width_list(width_list, columns_count) align_list = self.calculate_align_list(align, columns_count, Align.C) # set font self.set_font(self.font, 'B', self.text_title_size) # draw n-1 cells inline for i in range(columns_count - 1): # draw cell self.cell(w=width_list[i], txt=text_list[i], align=align_list[i], fill=fill, border=border) # draw last column with a line break self.cell(w=width_list[-1], txt=text_list[-1], align=align_list[-1], fill=fill, border=border, line_break=True) # default font self.set_font(self.font, '', self.text_normal_size)
[docs] def table_row(self, text_list: list[str], width_list: list[float] = [], align: list[Align] | Align = Align.L, option: str = 'line', fixed_height: float = None): """ draw a row for a table. :param text_list: list of the texts to write :param width_list: list of width´s for every column :param option: define what type of row to draw :param fixed_height: height if option is fixed :param align: alignment :return: :raise MissingValueError: a value was expected and wasn't found :raise HeightError: height cannot be smaller than default cell height :raise MismatchValueError: undefined option """ if option == 'line': self.draw_row_line(text_list, width_list, align, False) elif option == 'fixed': if not fixed_height: raise MissingValueError if fixed_height < self.row_height_cell: raise HeightError self.draw_row_fixed(text_list, width_list, align, fixed_height, False) elif option == 'responsive': self.draw_row_responsive(text_list, width_list, align, False) else: raise MismatchValueError
[docs] def table_cols(self, *args: float) -> list[float]: """ calculate widths like bootstrap grid system :param args: bootstrap column widths :return: list of calculated bootstrap columns widths """ # list to save the result width_list: list[float] = [] # check if all elements are positive integers if all(element > 0 for element in args): # calculate width's width_list = [self.get_width_effective() * (i / 12) for i in args] return width_list
class SplitTextError(Exception): """ Error to raise error when string.split() fails to split """ pass class HeightError(Exception): """ Error to raise when there is an error on the value of the height """ pass class WidthOverflowError(Exception): """ Custom error to raise when a calculated width is larger than the maximum width of the page or container """ pass class NumberElementsListMismatchError(Exception): """ Custom error to raise when a columns count doesn't match text count """ pass class MissingValueError(Exception): """ A value was expected and wasn't found """ pass class MismatchValueError(Exception): """ Value has an unexpected value """ pass def base64_to_image(image_base64: str): """ convertir string base64 a objeto Imagen. :param image_base64: string base64 :return: Image """ imagen_data = base64.b64decode(image_base64) try: # convertir y guardar imagen return except OSError: return False def resize_image(img: Image, width: int, height: int, return_unit: str = 'mm') \ -> tuple[Image, float, float] | tuple[bool, bool, bool]: """ cambiar tamaño manteniendo el ratio. :param img: imagen :param width: longitud de nueva imagen. :param height: altura de nueva imagen. :param return_unit: return unit of measurement, defaults to mm :return: """ # thumbnail image img.thumbnail((width, height)) if img: width, height = img.size if return_unit == 'mm': return img, PDFTable.use_px_to_mm(width), PDFTable.use_px_to_mm(height) elif return_unit == 'px': return img, width, height else: return False, False, False else: return False, False, False def add_image_local(filename: str, return_unit: str = 'mm') -> tuple[Image, float, float] | tuple[bool, bool, bool]: """ load a local image with PIL Image and return image width and height (default unit its mm). :param filename: a string representing a file path to an image :param return_unit: return unit of measurement, defaults to mm :return: """ img = if img: width, height = img.size if return_unit == 'mm': return img, PDFTable.use_px_to_mm(width), PDFTable.use_px_to_mm(height) elif return_unit == 'px': return img, width, height else: return False, False, False else: return False, False, False